June 2024

The next General meeting is Tuesday 11th June 2024 7.30pm in the Progress Hall
Friendly informative meetings. All welcome
Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the opening of the Progress Hall in 1954

Saturday 22nd June 7pm
Supper Dance Party with Zyppaklub. 
Tickets are $25.00 Booked with Eventbrite or purchase from Wallacia Post Office. A fun evening to enjoy good music with supper included.

Saturday 6th July from 1.30pm
Heritage display with free afternoon tea
A selection of photos and memorabilia on show with the opportunity to bring your own photos and memories to share. We will have a photographer available to record these for future generations. What do you have from the 50s or earlier that you can bring along?
It is a free event thanks to a donation from Penrith Council but please book in with Eventbrite to assist with the planning

Saturday 20th July from 9.30am
Wallacia Wellbeing Day
A free meditation and yoga session from Amy, our local yoga teacher, a motivational lifestyle talk from Roger French, our own local health expert, a healthy eating talk and food preparation demonstration with food provided with Rebecca Smith, nutritionist and naturopath, and a talk on the history of  Hopewood Health retreat in Wallacia which closed a decade ago. This is a free event thanks Penrith CAP funding but bookings are required with EventbriteWe are holding a raffle to be drawn on the 20th July and have some great prizes already. We have booklets of 15 tickets available for you to purchase or sell - $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. 

Progress Hall maintenance
The hall has been getting some much needed maintenance. One of the windows at the front of the hall has been restored with the help of a $2000.00 Heritage grant from Penrith Council which paid for half the cost. It was removed for repair and the window sill, stiles and external linings repaired or replaced. The similar cost to restore the other window is not feasable with all our other expenses but the Mens Shed have volunteered to do the work to the standard required for a fraction of the cost as well as some repairs necessary for the other windows.
The Gents toilet floor has been levelled and painted thanks to Les Rhodes. There is still plenty of maintenance to keep up with as well as the gardens needing some love and attention. Any offers of help will be much appreciated.
    Wallacia Wattles, the  Friendly Social club for Seniors

    Every second Wednesday 10.00am to 12.00pm in the Progress Hall
The next sessions are 12th and 26th June and 24th July

Morning tea is provided by Nepean Food Services and transport can be arranged. Conversation,         games, craft, occasional speakers or any other suggestions. Bring your ideas and enjoy meeting new     people and having fun.
Phone 4773 7200 or  0407 230 499


Volunteer opportunities in Wallacia
Be a part of the Wallacia community by volunteering with
  • the management of the Progress Hall
  • caring for Crossman Reserve and Fowler reserve with Bushcare
  • the Wallacia School reunion
  • the local history project
  • helping with the Wallacia Wattles Seniors group
  • other community events organisation
  • information sharing with social media and the website
Crossman Reserve Bushcare group 

The Crossman Reserve Bushcare group has been continuing to meet on the third Friday of the month.  The next session is Friday 21st June.
The entrance to the reserve is at the end of Kadiera Close, Wallacia. The work is usually weeding and sometimes planting.  It is exciting to see the progress being made as the native vegetation is allowed to thrive. There is wildlife to see and lots to learn so come along and meet the friendly volunteers and Penrith Council staff.
All equipment, tools, training and morning tea is provided. When attending, please bring water and a hat and wear sturdy shoes, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt.  In the event of wet weather,  a message is via text on the morning.
Further information from Jess, phone 0488 692 153, or email bushcare@penrith.city

Wallacia Community - Be Involved
The Wallacia Progress Association (WPA) has been working with the community since 1908. The Progress Hall on Greendale Road was built by volunteers and opened in 1954, and has been used by the community ever since. It is one of the few village halls still owned and managed by volunteers and was registered as being of heritage significance in 2007.
Over the past few years the WPA volunteers have managed and enhanced the hall for the benefit of Wallacia. Upgrades have included emergency lighting and fire safety equipment. A Lions Club Australia grant funded installation of air conditioning and  a grant from the State Government funded installation of hand dryers to the toilets, outdoor sensor lights to enhance security and painting to the rear of the hall. The concrete paths to the toilet block is a great improvement and thankyou to Penrith City Council for the footpath from Greendale Road to the front of the hall. There is still plenty more to do and the committee is looking for new members and volunteers.
WPA is involved with caring for our local environment and community. We  want to focus on preserving our unique village lifestyle and working towards better facilities for all age groups as well as encouraging more community events. We need your help to do this!

Please let us know what you would like to see in Wallacia.

We need more members to work with the committee but also to just support the association by joining as a member.  Membership is only $1, although we appreciate any additional donation to assist financing the Association, which includes the ongoing operation of the hall.
The benefits of WPA membership includes notification of meetings, updates of happenings in and around Wallacia as well as supporting the Progress Hall.

WPA  Membership
If you are already a member, thank you for your support and if you have been a member in the past and haven't renewed then please do so as we rely on the financial support of our members. Membership to the Association is only $1 a year although donations are welcome!

Please email us at wallaciaprogressassociation@gmail.com for an application form or send us your details and deposit your donation directly to Wallacia Progress Association BSB #062445   Ac. #11146360

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